Membership Information

Arrange for Dues Payment During Leave or Layoff

MAGE members who are being represented in an ongoing issue must make arrangements to pay their dues if they are taken off payroll deduction. Those who let their dues lapse during this time jeopardize their right to MAGE representation should an employment problem arise, and lose all rights to MAGE-OPEIU benefits. To assure that you will be protected if and when you need representation, contact the MAGE office at 1-800-477-6243 to arrange for cash payment of dues during a leave. Members that have been terminated by the employer should contact the MAGE office to clarify your membership status, rights and restrictions.


Section l. The following shall be eligible for membership:

(a) Any classified employee of the State of Michigan who is employed in a non-exclusively represented position.

(b) Any retired State of Michigan employee who was employed in a non-exclusively represented position at the time of their retirement.

(c) Any other group of public or private employees as the Board may, by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote, authorize for membership.

Section 2. Membership shall begin upon receipt, by the MAGE office, of signed application and authorization for payroll deduction, or upon the receipt of a signed application and payment of dues.

Section 3. Each member will be assigned to the district for the county of their residence or may request to be assigned to the district in which they are employed.

Section 4. Membership is terminated by:

(a) Willful failure to pay dues;

(b) Resignation from state service;

(c) Resignation;

(d) Final dismissal from state service; in case of dispute the Board shall decide when a dismissal is final;

(e) Death;

(f) Dismissal by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Board at a duly convened meeting, after not less than ten (10) days notice to the member with opportunity to be heard, for action found to have been contrary and detrimental to the principals and purposes of MAGE.

Section 5. Reinstatement

(a) A membership terminated by a cause specified in Section 4 (a) or (c) may be reinstated by acceptance of an application from the former member.

(b) A membership which terminated under Section 4 (f) may be reinstated by application and three-fourths (3/4/) vote of the Board.

Section 6. Any retired State employee who at the time of retirement would have been eligible for membership shall be entitled to participate as a member in good standing upon application and payment of dues.

Section 7. All meetings and social gatherings sponsored by MAGE at which members will be in attendance shall be held in barrier-free locations, if geographically and economically feasible. If such location cannot be obtained, the sponsors shall arrange to provide mobility or other assistance as may be needed by physically challenged members.


Section l. The fiscal year shall extend from July l of each year through June 30 of the following year.

Section 2. Distribution

(a) Each active member, except hereinafter provided, shall pay dues in a total amount equal to $24.00 biweekly beginning July 1, 2011. Thereafter, dues shall be increased by the same percentage that the managers, supervisors and confidential state employees receive as a result of their pay negotiations. These dues shall be divided among MAGE funds in the following manner:

(1) 97% (Ninety seven percent) shall accrue to the General Administration Fund.

(2) 2% (Two percent) shall accrue to the District Operations Fund.

(3) 1 % (One percent) shall accrue to the Reserve Fund.

(b) The General Administration Fund shall be used for the general operating budget as proposed by the Finance Committee and adopted by the Board.


(c) The distribution of the District Operations Fund shall be on a quarterly basis by a formula prepared by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board. The distribution formula shall recognize the total membership within the district and shall be equitable.
Such monies shall be distributed in the amount due per the formula each quarter; and once received by the director may be distributed only by the director and/or any member so designated. An accounting of the distribution of said funds by the director shall be made quarterly to the Secretary-Treasurer. If a director fails to provide a quarterly accounting as specified above within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of a quarter, payments due and payable after that date shall be withheld until such written accounting has been made, subject, however, to the provisions of subsection

(e). Payments made to districts shall be made by checks carrying the restrictive phrase, "Not Valid After 90 Days From Date of Issue." At the end of such period of time, funds represented by such invalid checks shall be returned to the District Operations Fund.

(d) Expenditures from the Reserve Fund shall be recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.

(e) Unexpended monies in the District Operations Fund shall revert to the General Administration Fund forty five (45) days following the end of the quarter for which financial statements were not received by the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 3. MAGE is authorized to participate in a payroll deduction plan for the collection of dues from members.

Section 4. A member may elect to pay dues in cash: The dues shall be payable at least quarterly in advance.

Section 5. Each retired state employee holding membership shall pay dues of $25.00 (twenty five dollars) annually, beginning with retirement.


Section l. Except as otherwise herein provided appeals shall be made in accordance with this article.

Section 2. Any member (s) claiming to be aggrieved by any action of a committee, board member, officer or other agent shall first file an appeal with the Executive Committee, within fifteen (15) calendar days of becoming aware of such action. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall include the reason for appeal, supporting evidence and relief requested.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall notify the interested parties of the date at which the appeal is to be considered, and such parties will be accorded the right to appear and present arguments. The Executive Committee may affirm, reverse or modify the action.

Section 4. The decision of the Executive Committee may be appealed to the Board. Such appeals shall be made in writing to the President within thirty (30) calendar days of such Executive Committee decision. The Board shall consider such appeal at its next regularly scheduled meeting or at a special meeting called for such purpose. The decision of the Board shall be final.

Section 5. No member shall resort to any court or administrative body until the remedies, procedures and appeals provided in these Bylaws have been pursued and exhausted.