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2014 General Council Report

Credentials Committee & General Council Committee Members Registering Delegates
L-R:  Mark Krupiarz, Doug Barry, Olivia Bruce, Jane Wallin and Susan Stricker

The General Council 2014 was held May 10th at the Best Western Plus Hotel in Lansing.  The opening session was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Quattrin.  He welcomed the delegates and alternates to the session that marked MAGE’s 34th year of representing non-exclusively represented employees (NEREs).   President Quattrin then welcomed Danielle Leutz from Employee Benefits who then explained the new changes to the employee’s health insurance plans. 

President Quattrin Welcomes Delegates                       Danielle Leutz Discusses Changes to the Employee Benefits 

Olivia Bruce, Chair of the Credentials Committee reported that there were a total of 49 voting delegates in attendance.  Secretary-Treasurer Ann Sanders reported that the association is in good financial shape, and finished FY 2013 with an income balance of $145,000.  President Quattrin reported that this was the first General Council that MAGE will be holding without founding member Mary McClellan who passed away in January.  He also mentioned the passing of two other former Board members, and longtime delegates, Mary Blackledge  and Harry Schultz, and a moment of silence was observed in recognition of the many contributions of these members. 

President Quattrin recognized  MAGE’s nurse members and the fact that it is Professional Nurse’s Week, and he also recognized the mothers in attendance and wished them a happy mother’s day. 

He discussed the recent negotiations with the Office of the State Employer and the success MAGE has had in obtaining higher raises for NEREs than were approved for the rank and file employees over the past few years.  He spoke about the need to increase MAGE membership numbers so we can more effectively represent our members.  The State continues to move towards privatization and MAGE is fighting this effort on a daily basis.  President Quattrin will propose to the Board an organizing initiative that will hopefully help MAGE increase the membership numbers.     Click here for the entire President’s speech. 

Karilyn Sanders Nominates Candidates                          Todd Tennis introduces Representative Tom Cochran

Karilyn Sanders, Chair of the Nominations and Resolutions committee placed in nomination the names of the candidates for the Executive Committee Offices, and subsequently these individuals were all elected by acclamation:  Alan Quattrin, as President;   Michael Herendeen as 1st Vice President;   Brant Wimbush as 2nd Vice President;    Ann Sanders as Secretary-Treasurer.  These individuals will hold office till the next convening of the General Council in 2016. 

Todd Tennis from Capitol Services spoke to the group regarding recent legislation of interest to State employees and he introduced Representative Tom Cochran who also discussed recent legislation and answered questions from the floor. 

The group broke for lunch and Districts then held election of District officers.  Upon returning to the session the General Council delegates heard from MAGE’s attorney, Brandon Zuk who discussed the status of the 3% raise lawsuit, the right to work lawsuit and the 4% deduction for retirement lawsuit.  He discussed the merits of the cases and answered questions.  No dates have been set to hear any of these cases. 

Brandon Zuk discusses MAGE lawsuits                          Olivia Bruce announces delegate totals

The Credentials Committee reported 48 Delegates were present for the afternoon session.   One resolution was presented, but failed to be adopted.  The District officer election results were reported as:  District 1 Director Kay Hiltunen, Deputy Doug Barry;  District 2 Director Keena Jones and Deputy Mark Krupiarz;  District 3 Director Scott Nicewander and Deputy Brent Mitchell;  District 4 Director JoAnne Cripps and Deputy Cathy Babbidge; District 5 Director Georgia Green and Deputy Rick Koch;  District 6 Director Tom Welch, Deputy John Roy Castillo;  District 7 Director Judy Pigg Behrendt and Deputy Margaret Schultz; District 8 Director Olivia Bruce and Deputy Director Cynthia Coleman; District 9 Director Maria Perez and Deputy Dorothy Flowers.  The Oath of Office was administered by Jane Wallin who will Chair the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for the next two years.    The General Council then adjourned and the newly elected Board of Directors were asked to remain for a Board meeting immediately following the adjournment.   The full minutes of the meeting will be posted on the Association Policies and Documents page when completed and photos will be posted in the photo gallery.